If you can turn customers, colleagues, suppliers and partners into co-owners, you are in a strong position.
Explore inspiring examples of sharefunding.
Selati's Alcohol-Free Adventure Raises €750,000!
Craftsmanship Meets Impact: Bus Whisky's second round raises €1,000,000
Boerschappen's Proof of Trust and Vision: €640,000 Raised.
From Gummies to Growth: Yummygums' Impressive €1.5 Million Sharefunding Round
De Fryske raises more than €750,000 to show that it can be done.
Cheers! Spirited Union has another reason to raise a glass: nearly €1 million raised.
SLA raises over €1 million in growth capital at lightning speed
De Bolster smashes target: €4.5 million in 4 days!
1441 co-owners have expressed confidence in Smyle's mission and vision
Sustainable whisky brand - Bus Whisky - raises €1 million
Oma's Soep recipe raises €500.000
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